Articles from May 2020

UI students honored with NSF GRFP awards
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Two current graduate students, two incoming graduate students and three undergraduates have been awarded a prestigious fellowship to support their graduate studies.

PhD candidate analyzes voting behavior and access to the ballot
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Joseph Coll's research focuses on discrepancies between the popular vote and the Electoral College outcome in presidential elections as well as the impact of voting restrictions on voter engagement.

Top grad programs bring siblings together
Monday, May 11, 2020
All three of the Kollasch siblings were able to spend this past academic year together at Iowa. Yet, they were not brought to campus because of each other; they were each drawn to Iowa for its prestigious graduate programs in their respective interests.

Commitment to Counseling Persists through COVID-19
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Faculty and students from the Department of Rehabilitation and Counselor Education have adapted their counseling delivery to continue offering services for vulnerable community members.