External fellowships and grants can support your education and scholarship, boost your C.V., and provide space and time to fully develop your research. We're ready to help you get started today.

Fund your Research

Applying for Grants and Fellowships

Nationally competitive grants and fellowships can provide support for you and your research, allowing you time to focus intensively on your work or providing the resources that you need to take your project to the next level. Winning these opportunities can help you maximize the effectiveness of your time in graduate school and they are also a great addition to any C.V. or resume.

Grant Writing Skills

Beyond the support that these resources provide, grant writing is also a vital skill for the academic, government, and non-profit sectors, and honing your ability to write successful funding applications and navigate the process of finding and applying for funding is a great addition to your professional toolbox.

The Application Process

The process of applying for nationally competitive funding opportunities can help you clarify your research, improve your writing, and expand your scholarly network. Whether you've got a nearly complete application or you're not sure where to get started with the process, our office is here to support you.

Fellowship Incentive

The Grad College offers an award for students to apply for a national fellowship or grant and work with a faculty mentor and fellowships advisor.

Schedule a Consultation

Book a Grad Success appointment to discuss finding or applying for a nationally competitive grant or fellowship opportunity.

Find Funding

Learn where to search for nationally competitive grant and fellowship opportunities.

Develop Your Application

Learn about strategies for writing strong applications and honing your grant writing skills.

UI Fellowships Communities

Our offices hosts a number of fellowships communities built around applying to specific external grant opportunities. Check out our existing communities or reach out to us about starting a new one today.

national science foundation logo


The National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) supports students in the sciences and related disciplines

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The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers fellowships for both domestic and international students from a range of disciplines.