The Graduate College is committed to building a vibrant postdoctoral community and to providing a professional environment that will enrich your experience at the University of Iowa. We host more than 250 postdoctoral trainees on campus annually, and we serve as a resource for postdocs, faculty mentors, departments, and colleges employing our postdoctoral network. Our mission is to build a diverse membership; we offer a variety of academic opportunities and promote a wide range of social and networking events where all postdocs are able to share their unique experiences.


Our staff is available to help you navigate your postdoctoral training. Please contact us or visit us in Gilmore Hall (Room 201).


Please contact Administrative Services Coordinator Jamie Frauenholtz. If you need to talk about any other issue (including grievances), please contact Associate Dean Shelly Campo.


The UIPDA is the representative body for all postdocs at the University of Iowa