Graduate education plays a critical role in university research. The Path Forward: The Future of Graduate Education in the United States (published by the Council of Graduate Schools and the Educational Testing Service in 2010) asserts that, “The global competitiveness of the US and capacity for innovation hinges fundamentally on a strong system of graduate education.”  The Path Forward report also projected that between 2008 and 2018, 2.5 million additional professional jobs will require graduate degrees. This perspective attests to the integral role of graduate education to innovation and to university research, as well as to the significant role of the Public Research University. There are professional development opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral scholars related to Research and Publication and Fellowships.

To facilitate research, the following campus resources are available for University of Iowa graduate students:


Office of the Vice President for Research

The Office of the Vice President for Research has as its goal the support and advancement of research, scholarship, and creative activity on our campus. Through a broad variety of activities and services, the Office of the Vice President for Research seeks to play an important role in the underpinning of these creative activities in the public and private sectors in our region. Resources are available for graduate students interested in learning about grant opportunities.


Responsible Conduct of Research

The Graduate College and the Office of the Vice President for Research provide training to ensure institutional compliance with guidelines governing the responsible conduct of research. Federal and private funding agencies are requiring increased compliance and oversight to ensure that researchers are meeting mandated RCR training.


Human Subjects Office / Institutional Review Board

The Human Subjects Office (HSO) provides administrative support for the University of Iowa Institutional Review Boards. An Institutional Review Board is a group of individuals charged with reviewing proposed research involving human subjects to ensure the protection of those subjects and compliance with federal human subjects regulations.


Sponsored Programs

The Division of Sponsored Programs offers a range of services for faculty, staff, and students seeking external funding for research, training, service, and other scholarly and creative endeavors that enrich the University of Iowa and its broad and far-reaching communities. DSP assists with the search for external funding sources, reviews and approves grant applications, negotiates award stipulations, facilitates post-award project management, and monitors and advises on issues of regulatory compliance. 


University of Iowa Libraries

The University of Iowa Libraries offer a range of services and resources for faculty, staff, and students, including information about scholarly publication and copyright. The Digital Scholarship and Publishing Studio provides assistance and collaborates on digital scholarly research projects. Helpful information specifically curated for graduate students can be found here.