Daniel Quinn
Participation year
Project title

Fluorescence evaluation of umbelliferones and 7-hydroxy-N-methylquinolinium


Organophosphates (OPs) are organic compounds containing a phosphorous-based ester that are used as pesticides but also have the capability to be used as deadly nerve agents. The OP nerve agents Sarin and Soman affect both the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) by inhibiting the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE). AChE’s primary function is the rapid hydrolysis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh). Direct inhibition of AChE by OPs can be fatal. Reactivation of AChE inhibited by OPs can be achieved by treatment with oximes such as 2-PAM. However, OP inhibited AChE undergoes an irreversible process called “aging” and there is no current treatment for the aged AChE-OP adduct. The focus of this research is to develop novel treatments that will “resurrect” aged OP inhibited AChE. This research requires that the aged adduct be synthesized in the lab from sarin analogues. Several compounds have been analyzed for their fluorescent-based detection limits in order to be used as potential analogs of Sarin. Data from this analysis will be used to determine optimum experimental parameters for inhibiting human AChE and producing the aged AChE adduct."

Ruffin Tchakounte
University of Iowa