Managing the Market Summer Collaborative
This five-week, academic jobs support collaborative will help graduate students and postdocs prepare for finding and applying for academic jobs. Develop your materials prepare to go on the market.
The group meets virtually every Thursday from 10-11:30 am from July 11 - August 8.

Transforming Your Research Into Teaching Workshop Series
The Transforming Your Research Into Teaching (TYRIT) Workshop Series introduces participants to an evidence-based course design framework and helps them design a course based on their current area of research interest or one they may need to teach in their future careers. TYRIT is open to all graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

National Fellowship Overview Webinar
Explore national grants and fellowships to support your research. With Fall 2024 deadlines looming for Summer/Fall 2025 funding, this summer can be a great time to learn more about these opportunities and get started! This webinar is open to all disciplines and will discuss: what fellowships are, representative examples, typical timelines, search tips, common sections, and UI support resources.

Dissertation Writing Camp
Do you want to make larger strides with your dissertation writing this summer? Join the 2024 dissertation writing camp! The camp includes group discussions, focused dissertation writing sessions, and opportunities for goal-setting and consultations with Writing Center staff. The camp takes place virtually May 28 - June 7.

Beyond the Professoriate / Beyond Graduate School
Are you looking for professional development learning opportunities that you can move through at your own pace? Check out Beyond the Professoriate or Beyond Graduate School. The Beyond platforms can help you explore career options; discover your values and articulate your skills; learn job search strategies through structured curriculum; and secure employment in your field of interest.

Make an Appointment with Grad Success!
Are you sticking around campus this summer? The Grad Success team will be available for appointments! Meet with a team member to discuss your career plans, get feedback on a national fellowship, or connect with campus communities.