Policy concerning extensions of postdoc appointments due to COVID-19.
The Graduate College serves as a resource for both postdoctoral scholars and their faculty mentors/advisors. We welcome opportunities to partner with faculty and departmental administrators in providing mentor resources for your postdocs, and we will strive to assist you in recruiting postdoctoral candidates to The University of Iowa. Our website has information on postdoctoral job classifications, postdoc salaries, and university benefits.
The Graduate College administers all postdoctoral scholar appointments at the University of Iowa. The college is also responsible for administrative matters relating to postdoctoral education at Iowa. We encourage you to advertise your positions broadly to increase your chances of developing a qualified and diverse pool of candidates.
Standard appointments for postdocs include 50 percent, 75 percent, 80 percent, and 100 percent. Appointments other than these require prior approval. The employer and its departments should not use off-standard appointments to avoid paying minimum salaries or salary increases as required. Off-standard appointment requests should be directed to Associate Dean Shelly Campo.
Download postdoctoral offer letter template
The Graduate College requires that newly appointed postdocs are paid according to the salaries set by the NIH/NRSA salary guidelines. The college supports equity for current postdoctoral scholars and encourages departments to align their salaries with new hires.
Human Resource Questions
For Human Resources questions regarding policies and benefits, please contact Interim Senior Human Resources Director Tanesha Herman. Any requests for postdocs to exceed their 100% appointment (e.g. special compensation), should also be directed to Tanesha.
Please feel free to contact Graduate Administrative Services Coordinator Jamie Frauenholtz at 319-335-1466 or Associate Dean Shelly Campo with additional questions at 319-335-2136 or by email at postdoc-office@uiowa.edu. We will make every effort to answer your questions or to put you in touch with the right people to assist.