The Graduate College offers a wide range of fellowships, scholarships, and awards for UI graduate students at various stages of their degree progress. Some of these funding opportunities are prioritized for students from socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds and/or individuals with ADA-qualifying disabilities. We also provide specialized writing and application support for students applying to national competitions and Fellowship Communities to connect faculty, winners, and new applicants. The Graduate College Fellowships Incentive Award offers $250 to support your application efforts for national competitions.
Preparing for Graduate School
BTAA Big Ten Academic Alliance
Minority Graduate Application Fee Waiver
BTAA Big Ten Academic Alliance
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)
National Science Foundation
Graduate Research Fellowship Program - Students apply during their senior year for the National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP). This program helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity. GRFP Fellows Receive: Three years of support; $32,000 annual stipend plus $12,000 cost-of-education allowance to the institution.
During Grad School
Graduate College Iowa Recruitment Fellowships (by nomination only) - The Graduate College Iowa Recruitment Fellowship Program enhances departmental recruitment packages by offering our most accomplished new doctoral students a stipend supplement ($2,000 per year) for up to five years and fellowship support for up to four summer terms ($4,000 per summer).
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program - The National Science Foundation's Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) helps ensure the vitality of the human resource base of science and engineering in the United States and reinforces its diversity. GRFP Fellows Receive the Following: (1) Three years of support; (2) $32,000 annual stipend; (3) $12,000 cost-of-education allowance to the institution; (4) International research and professional development opportunities; and (5) XSEDE Supercomputer access.
Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships (predoc, dissertation, postdoc) - Through its program of Diversity Fellowships, the Ford Foundation seeks to increase the diversity of the nation's college and university faculties by increasing their ethnic and racial diversity, to maximize the educational benefits of diversity, and to increase the number of professors who can and will use diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
NIH - Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31 - Diversity)
American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellowships - International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported. Students from minority populations are encourages to apply.
Soros Fellowship for New Americans - Provides support for new Americans - naturalized U.S. citizen, child of two parents who are both naturalized U.S. citizens, or a resident alien who holds a Green Card. Full support is given for two years of graduate study in the United States. Fellows receive a $20,000 maintenance grant and a tuition grant of one-half the tuition cost of graduate program.
Fulbright and Select International Opportunities - Learn about international research, teaching, and arts opportunities and how to prepare your application. Contact Karen Wachsmuth directly for details.
Point Foundation - Point Foundation empowers promising lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles often put before them – to make a significant impact on society.
Mustard Seed Foundation - The Harvey Fellows Program provides scholarships to Christian students who are pursuing graduate studies at premier universities in fields considered to be underrepresented by Christians and who possess a unique vision to impact society through their vocations.
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science (GEM) - The GEM Fellowship programs are designed to offer opportunities for underrepresented minority students to obtain MS degrees in engineering and Ph.D. engineering and the natural and physical sciences through a program of paid summer internships and graduate financial assistance.
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation - Consistent with its mission to provide educational opportunities to a new generation of leaders, the CBC Foundation demonstrates its commitment by sponsoring a number of educational programs.
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute - Scholarships are awarded to Latino students who have a history of performing public service-oriented activities in their communities and who demonstrate a desire to continue their civic engagement in the future.
Financial Aid, College Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards for Hispanic Americans - Covers Puerto Ricans, Jibaros, Boricuas, Cubanos, Guajiros, Dominicanos, Quisqueyanos, South and Central Americans, Mexican Americans, Chicanos, Latinos.
Guide to Graduate and Professional School Scholarships - Courtesy of By, with The BLACK COLLEGIAN Online and our diversity-committed Grad School Channel Members.
Latin American Educational Foundation - Since 1949, LAEF has been helping students overcome the financial hardships of attending college. Make use of the informative sections below. Please contact LAEF's office for specific questions on LAEF's scholarship application.
Minority Scholarships, Fellowships, and Postdoctoral Awards in Medicine, Public Health, and Related Fields - A compilation of resources by Francisco Alberto Tomei Torres, Ph.D. Focuses on African Americans, Alaska Natives (Aleuts, Eskimos, Inuit), Hispanics (Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, South and Central Americans), Native Americans, Native Pacific Islanders (Native Hawaiians, Polynesians, Micronesians).
Morgan Stanley Scholarships Programs - Morgan Stanley provides an array of scholarships for Black, Hispanic, Native American, Women, LGBT populations.
National Association of School Psychologists - NASP-ERT Minority Scholarship Program for Graduate Training in School Psychology
Scholarships for All Students Regardless of Immigration Status - This list, compiled by the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, provides information on scholarships that do not require a social security number, legal residency, or citizenship in order to apply.
United Negro College Fund - Scholarships, Internships, and Research Fellowships. Access to a college education has never been more important for individuals and society!
Xerox Technical Minority Scholarship - Provides $1000 scholarships to minority students enrolled in one of the technical sciences or engineering disciplines. This scholarship is available to US Citizens and individuals with Permanent Resident visas.
After Grad School
National Postdoc Association (NPA) Diversity Fellowships and Resources
Minority Postdoc - This web portal on the minority postdoctoral experience features news, articles, resources, and events about jobs, career advice, professional development, funding, fellowships, mentoring, and diversity issues