Let us help you find campus opportunities! 

As a postdoctoral researcher at Iowa, your scholarship and professional development will be shaped by the university’s guidelines and expectations, your career goals, and your commitment to creating research that makes an impact beyond campus. Spread your net wide and dare to pursue the countless opportunities that are available to you at the University of Iowa!

The Graduate College strives to provide support for postdoctoral scholars and their faculty mentors to ensure an excellent environment for training and education. We want to help our postdocs excel professionally and compete successfully for their desired positions in academia, industry, government, or business. We provide postdocs with answers to frequently asked questions about university resources, area housing availability, and other opportunities in the surrounding community.

Upon arrival at the University of Iowa, you will meet with your faculty mentor. It is important that you establish a strong working relationship with your mentor and advisor. For questions and inquiries related to the postdoctoral experience, enroll in the UIPDA’s ICON Orientation Course.

Are you an International Postdoc? The International Student and Scholar Services is ready to answer all your questions and assure that you can easily navigate your postdoctoral experience. Contact the ISSS as soon as you arrive in Iowa City! Please call 319-335-0335 or e-mail isss@uiowa.edu.  

Research and Scholarship

The Office of the Vice President for Research supports and advances research, scholarship, and creative activity. The VPR office includes research administration, core facilities, technology transfer, museums, centers, and outreach. The VPR office is advised by the UI Research Council, a Charter Committee, which includes postdoc representation. In conjunction with the Graduate College, the VPR office oversees training for students and postdocs in the responsible conduct of research.

The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) and the Graduate College ensure that all graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty (K awards series only) engaged in research activities funded by NIH/NSF and USDA FIFA grants enroll in an approved Responsible Conduct of Research course and complete the Collaborative Instructional Training Initiative (CITI) web-based training.

The Carver College of Medicine offers professional development opportunities specifically tailored to postdocs. Learn more at Postdoctoral Studies | Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (uiowa.edu)

Another great resource is the Obermann Center for Advanced Studies | (uiowa.edu). As a community that supports artists, scholars, and researchers, the Obermann Center provides integrative, practice-based opportunities that promote individual and cross-disciplinary collaborations. Discover how you can expand your campus experience!

If you are interested in interdisciplinary research the Iowa Social Science Research Center (uiowa.edu) offers resources specifically designed for you. 

The Graduate College is committed to fostering a diverse postdoctoral community. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | Graduate College - The University of Iowa (uiowa.edu) office provides resources and funding opportunities for underrepresented minorities. 


Procedures and Resources

The Graduate College has procedures and resources that are intended to serve as a guide to university resources that can be used to address concerns on a variety of issues such as research misconduct, discrimination, mental health issues, and workplace violence.

Strategies for addressing a problem may take the form of a confidential consultation or informal/formal grievance procedures. Here is a flow chart of procedures and resources for postdoctoral scholars and fellows. If you are looking for a confidential resource to discuss conflicts or concerns, please reach out to the Office of the Ombudsperson.