Elliott Beenk
A Comparative analysis of Sustainable Waste Management Strategies at Live Music Events
Each year hundreds of thousands of people attend live music events across the United States. With this comes not only an enjoyable time but also far reaching environmental impacts affecting several areas of the environment. Over recent years there has been an emerging trend of festivals pursuing a variety of sustainability initiatives to lessen their environmental impact. While there has been some research on sustainable festival management, only very limited research exists to measure the effectiveness of these different strategies. This study aims to fill that void by comparatively analyzing the effectiveness of various sustainable waste management strategies. While the ideal end goal would be a ‘zero waste’ event, for the scope of this research, ‘success’ will be measured in terms of percentage of waste diverted from the landfill and waste tonnage per attendee. In addition, this study aims to create an ideal waste management model, which will be tested through a case study. An idea model was prepared by comparing strategies pursued at festivals past. The case study, Camp Euforia, is an annual boutique festival of approximately 2000 patrons with no prior sustainability strategies in place. Results of the model will be collected and analyzed at the conclusion of the Camp Euforia July 15th and 16th. The study expects to find higher percentage of correct sorting at the manned waste collection stations and a high percentage of landfill diversion from years past.