Dr. Stewart Ehly
Participation year
Project title

Functional Analysis and Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior in Children with Autism


Individuals with developmental disabilities often engage in challenging self-injurious behavior (SIB). An evaluation of SIB exhibited by a young woman with autism was investigated. First, a functional analysis (FA) was conducted to identify the conditions under which SIB was most likely to occur. Its purpose was to define the problematic behavior and eliminate the behavior by manipulating antecedents and consequences by replacing them with more appropriate behaviors. Second, based on the results of the FA indicated, that upon receiving instructions to complete a task the subject responded by displaying elbow-banging to escape from a particular situation. As a consequence of elbow-banging the task, which was presented before the occurrence of behavior, was removed and functioned as a negative reinforcement that increased the likelihood of the SIB occurring in the future. The treatment outcome was successful in decreasing and eliminating the elbow-banging.

Chasity  Bell
Louisiana College