Dr. Ryan Lalumiere
Participation year
Project title

Systemic Administration of the Allosteric AMPA Receptor Potentiator PEPA Reduces Cocaine Seeking on the First Day of Extinction in Rats


Studies into the neurobiology that underlies drug seeking behavior may be valuable in the treatment of drug addiction and relapse. This research intends to understand the neurobiology of drug seeking behaviors by studying those behaviors in rats. Prior research shows that microinjections of the AMPA receptor potentiator PEPA into the IL suppresses drug-seeking behavior. PEPA injected into the mPFC before extinction training facilitates extinction of fear memory, and post-extinction training PEPA microinjections into the IL also enhance retention of extinction learning. The present experiments examine whether intra-peritoneal injections of PEPA will also facilitate extinction learning in rats. Rats were first trained in self-administration of cocaine in chambers. After they learned the drug seeking behaviors the behavior was extinguished over a period of days and then reinstated again.

Alexandrea  Pitzer
Penn State University