Dr. John Butler
Participation year
Project title

The Effect of Surgical Removal of the Ileal Peyer´s Patches on the Histology Numbers and Clonal Diversity of B cells in the MLN and JPP


The Ileal peyer´s patches (IPP) have been known to be excellent B cell developers. In recent studies it was shown that piglets that were surgically intervened and had only 10% of the IPP were showing a decreased development of mesenteric lymph node (MLN) and (JPP) jejuna peyer´s patches. This experiment identified the crucial role that the IPP plays as an excellent source of B cell development. However, it is not known whether the IPP is the principal developer of B cells for the MLN and JPP or not. Therefore we hypothesized that if the IPP is removed, the development of the MLN and JPP may be abnormal in terms of structure and position of B cells and the distribution of IgA, IgM and IgG containing cells. Our second hypothesis is that there will be differences in these parameters in piglets with resected IPP versus controls animals. To test the first hypothesis the method that we used was the preparation of selected tissue to compare the results that we got from the MLN and JPP. To define the differences in the resected IPP versus controls spectratyping gels were used. The results that we obtained show that in both: MLN and JPP the development of B cells was very similar as in resected piglets and control animals. In addition we found that IgA was dominant in all the tissue that was used and that IgM was absent in all of the tissues. Future plans for this research will be to stain more tissues with monoclonal antibodies and to verify the concentration of IgM and IgA in the piglet.

Jose  Claudio Malave
Pontifical Catholic University