Gordon Buchanan, MD, PhD

Associate Professor
Research project title

Sleep state dependent mechanisms of seizure related death: Mechanisms of arousal from sleep

Research description

Research efforts in the Buchanan laboratory are focused on understanding basic mechanisms of epilepsy and sleep-wake regulation. We are particularly interested in the effects of seizures and vigilance state on cardio-respiratory control and how these may interact to lead to death following a seizure, or sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). We employ behavioral, surgical, electrophysiological, molecular, and histological techniques in conjunction with a variety of seizure induction methods to address our research questions. Our goal is to understand factors that render a given seizure fatal in an effort to help prevent SUDEP.

Undergraduate minimum qualifications


Undergraduate role

A specific research project could be geared toward the interests of the undergraduate student, in-line with the on going projects in the lab.