Rae Corrigan

Recipient: NSF GRFP Fellowship

Year: 2018

Rae Corrigan considers collaboration to be one of the most important facets of research. As an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, she looks forward to meeting experts in her field of biomedical engineering as well as other up-and-coming researchers.

Corrigan plans to use these collaborations to strengthen her NSF research—a data curation and processing project at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics that helps interpret and present data related to hearing loss.

“Being awarded an NSF graduate research fellowship is a huge honor; it's hard to describe how wonderful it feels to be recognized in my field so early in my career,” Corrigan says. “I'm excited to be a part of the NSF GRFP community and will definitely take advantage of the NSF's opportunities for fellows.”

Rae Corrigan
Biomedical Engineering