Below are terms to designate temporary, doctoral-level researchers.

"Postdoctoral scholar" and "postdoctoral fellow" are terms used at The University of Iowa to designate temporary, doctoral-level researchers engaged in advanced education and training designed to prepare for an academic and/or research career. The University recognizes three classifications of postdoctoral appointees, depending on the sources of their stipend and research funding, and the nature of their research activities. III-5.2 Policy Manual.

As used in this document, each of the following terms has the indicated meaning:

“Postdoctoral Research Scholars” (FP01)

Refers to all postdoctoral appointees who are not on an NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowship or a non-NRSA Fellowship. Typically, FP01s are engaged in research supported by external grants, contracts, or University of Iowa General Education funds that may be made available to faculty members. This classification also applies to certain types of postdoctoral fellows, including but not limited to fellows under National Science Foundation, and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Fellows Program. FP01 appointees typically have specific responsibilities and research expectations directly related to the grant, contract, fellowship, or university-funded program.

“Postdoctoral Research Fellows- NRSA” (FP02)

Refers to all postdoctoral appointees who are funded by NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowships. Postdoctoral Research Fellows are not considered to be university employees. While salary and benefits are administered through the university payroll system, appointees within this classification are not subject to payroll taxes and withholdings.*[JW1]  Terms and conditions of engagement for this appointment type (e.g., paid leave, workers compensation, parental leave) are governed primarily by the NIH. The primary obligation to accomplish the aims of the fellowship rests with the Fellow. 

“Non-NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellows-” (FP03)

Refers to a limited number of postdoctoral appointees who are funded by grant awards that require the postdoc to be appointed as a non-employee (e.g., "fellow") that are not NIH National Research Service Award (NRSA) Fellowships. Postdoctoral Research Fellows are not considered to be university employees. While salary and benefits are administered through the university payroll system, appointees within this classification are not subject to payroll taxes and withholdings.*[JW1]  Terms and conditions of engagement for this appointment type (e.g., paid leave, workers compensation, parental leave) are governed primarily by the funding agency. The primary obligation to accomplish the aims of the fellowship rests with the Fellow. 


For information concerning the appropriate classification of FP01s and FP02s relative to applicable tax regulations, please see the memo from University Controller’s Office, and the Graduate College (June 1, 2018). Questions can be directed to the Senior Human Resource Director in the Graduate College.

“Postdoctoral Appointee” or “Appointee” refers collectively to individuals holding a current appointment as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar (FP01) or a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (FP02), or a Non-NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellow (FP03).