Postdocs are expected to maintain a standard of conduct and take department training.
Section 1. Standards of Conduct
Postdoctoral Scholars (FP01), NRSA Postdoctoral Fellows (FP02), and non-NRSA Postdoctoral (FP03) covered under these standards are expected to maintain satisfactory performance within the context of their position responsibilities and to comply with standards of conduct promulgated by the university, their college, and department. When operating within the context of their university employment, a university workplace, and/or a university research environment, Postdoctoral Scholars (FP01), NRSA Postdoctoral Fellows (FP02), and non-NRSA Postdoctoral Fellows (FP03) are expected to conform to the same ethical, performance, and conduct standards as university staff. The applicable ethics and conduct policies include but are not limited to:
- Chapter 3 - Human Rights
- Chapter 4 - Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct
- Chapter 10 - Violence
- Chapter 11 - Anti-Retaliation
- Chapter 12 - A Drug Free Environment
- Chapter 14 - Anti-Harassment
- Chapter 18 - Conflicts of Commitment and Interest
- Chapter 16 - Ethics and Responsibilities for University of Iowa Staff
- Chapter 19 - Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
- Chapter 27.6 - Ethics in Research
- University of Iowa Work Rules
- State of Iowa, Board of Regents policy manual 4.2 - Free Speech
Section 2. Training
Departmental Training
At the beginning of each appointment, the department shall review any work rules or departmental policies relevant to the appointment, including but not limited to departmental standards of conduct, the access and use of office supplies and equipment (including computers, printers and copiers related to employment as determined by the employer), and any health, safety, and security policies that may be relevant to their employment. Any questions regarding these rules and policies during the term of the appointment should be addressed to the individual supervisor or their designee.
General Training Requirements
The University of Iowa typically requires postdoctoral appointees to complete mandatory trainings for position eligibility. Examples include harassment prevention, human subjects research, animal use, responsible conduct of research, and/or environmental health and safety related-trainings.
Federally Mandated Responsible Conduct of Research Training
All postdoctoral scholars/fellows engaged in research activities funded by federal agencies MUST complete the Collaborative Instructional Training Initiative (CITI) web-based training within 30 days of starting their appointment and complete an in-person approved Responsible Conduct of Research course within one year. Training must be repeated every four years or when training level changes (e.g., from postdoctoral scholar/fellow to faculty on an NIH K-series award).
Please note that some departments/programs/colleges mandate this training for all postdoctoral appointments regardless of funding source.
More information may be accessed at the following link: Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research
Section 3. Health and Safety
The University agrees to provide a safe work environment for postdoctoral appointees consistent with applicable state and federal regulations.
Section 4. Personnel Files
Postdoctoral Scholars (FP01)
- The University should maintain personnel files for postdoctoral scholars. Only documents that pertain to the individual's employment and/or job performance may be included in such files.
- To the extent personnel files are maintained, postdoctoral scholars have the right to inspect their personnel files at a reasonable time and place as scheduled by the Employer. Access to personnel files will be limited to authorized representatives of the University, the employee, and a representative if so designated in writing by the employee.
- A postdoctoral scholar shall have the right to respond to all materials contained in their personnel file. Such responses shall be attached to the related report and become part of the personnel file.
- A postdoctoral scholar may request in writing removal of any item in their personnel file. Such request for removal must be received no later than ninety (90) days after placement of the item in the file. The written request shall also contain a rationale for the requested removal. If the dean of the appointing college/unit and the dean of the Graduate College agree, the item shall be removed from the personnel file. If the dean of the appointing college/unit and the dean of the Graduate College deny the request for removal, they will notify the postdoctoral scholar in writing within thirty (30) days from the date of written request, including the reason for denial.
The postdoctoral scholar shall have the right to copies.