Ti-Ara Turner
Ti-Ara is from Montgomery, Alabama, where she developed a deep appreciation for wildlife and nature. Driven by her passion for science, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Judson College, where she discovered her love for immunology-based research. Currently, Ti-Ara is pursuing a Ph.D. in Immunology through the Immunology Graduate Program, focusing on how human genetic factors influence Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Her research has identified new therapeutic targets for MS and created research opportunities for a diverse group of undergraduate students. In the future, Ti-Ara aims to advance the use of humanized mouse models to better understand disease outcomes. After completing her Ph.D., she aspires to establish and lead research programs that promote diversity in the field of science. In her free time, Ti-Ara enjoys shopping, reading, watching new TV series, and spending time with her dog, Timmy.