Christie Vogler
Christie chose to pursue graduate school to become a specialist in the field of Classical archaeology. As an undergraduate, she studied abroad for a semester in Greece and quickly realized how much she loved learning about the past in a hands-on way. That meant continuing her education, which brought her to the University of Iowa where she works with Dr. Glenn Storey at the site of Gangivecchio. Christie’s research aims to figure out what contributions Roman women made to medicine in the ancient Mediterranean world. She has found study abroad essential in supporting her academic goals. Thanks to the promotion and support of the archaeological field school program, she had the opportunity to travel to Sicily four separate times as both a student, and later an instructor. The excavations there form the basis of her dissertation research and she acquired unique teaching experiences working with other students at the site. She enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge of Classical archaeology with others and is now applying for academic teaching positions in hopes that she can continue in academia. Christie loves traveling and exploring new places, especially abroad. Closer to home, she likes to go hiking or paddle boarding with her golden retriever, Dea. She is also a huge fan of food and loves the opportunity to try new dishes.