The Graduate Tuition Scholarships are intended for graduate students who do not hold graduate assistantships or have tuition support from their employer. Undergraduate to graduate (U2G) students who have not completed their bachelor's degree at the time of application are not eligible to apply. 

Preference will be given to students who: (1) have/had no parents or legal guardians who completed a bachelor’s degree), (2) grew up with a socioeconomically disadvantaged background (e.g., were or are Pell eligible, were or currently are homeless, were in the foster care system), (3) have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended) (4) are graduating in the semester they are applying for funds, and/or (5) had little or no previous funding from the Graduate College. Students who are underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply.

As with all Graduate College scholarships and fellowships, the Graduate College considers academic performance and progress, student plans for how to maximize the tuition support, and letters of recommendation. Graduate Tuition Scholarships can impact financial aid packages. Please consult the Office of Student Financial Aid.



The one term Graduate Tuition Scholarship awards may be used for tuition only. Scholarships during a fall or spring semester pay up to $6,000 depending upon enrollment. Summer tuition scholarships pay up to $5,000 depending upon enrollment. Course enrollments must count toward the graduate degree objective. 

We strongly encourage students to seek graduate assistantships and to apply for other graduate fellowship mechanisms that come with more financial support and longer commitments of support.


Minimum Requirements

To be eligible:

  • Students must have completed at least 9 credits of graduate study at the University of Iowa at the time of application. 
  • Students must have a primary graduate degree objective. Students pursing a certificate only or are non-degree seeking students are not eligible.
  • Students must be currently enrolled and enrolled in the semester/summer they are awarded the scholarship. Course enrollments must count toward degree completion (required or elective courses).
  • Students are ineligible if they are appointed to a 25% or greater graduate assistantship in the fall or spring semester in which they may receive a scholarship.
    • Students with a summer graduate assistantship are ineligible to receive a summer scholarship if the grant or program have funds to pay for the student's tuition.



Students must submit their part of the application materials to their department at least two weeks prior to the Graduate College deadline. Students should check with their department as soon as possible for departmental deadlines as well as inform them they intend to apply. Applications submitted by the student (and not someone in the department such as the DGS, DEO or grad coordinator) will be voided and not considered.


Student materials (single spaced, 12 pt. type, 1" margins)
  • A brief paragraph highlighting accomplishments since undertaking graduate study at the University of Iowa (maximum 250 words)
  • Description of planned activities and goals for the term applying for the scholarship (maximum 300 words)
  • Transcript (unofficial acceptable)
  • A one-page CV of educational and professional experience, honors and awards, and publications.
  • (Optional) Students who would like to disclose that they are first generation, grew up in a low-income family (e.g., Pell eligible), and/or have an ADA qualifying disability (see link above) should also provide text indicting they meet at least one of those qualifications (optional). The submitting University Official will then provide that information on the workflow form.
Letter of support
  • One letter from the student’s advisor: 
    • Indicating the department does not have a graduate assistantship to support the student.
    • And indicating that the student is making good academic progress.

Applications should be submitted online.



The deadline for submissions for Fall 2025 awards is Wednesday, June 4, 2025, at 5pm. Submissions will be accepted in Workflow beginning Monday, May 19, 2025, at 8am. Please note, you will receive a blank page if you click on the Workflow submission link before the form is officially open.


Additional Information

Please direct any questions to Jamie Frauenholtz (; 319-335-1466) or