DaVida Anderson
DaVida L. Anderson received her Ph.D. in educational policy and leadership studies from the University of Iowa in 2019. She is the Director of Student Care and Integrity at Carroll Community College in Maryland. She oversees the Behavioral Intervention Team, the wellness committee and is responsible for the student conduct system, policy, program assessment, data collection, campus outreach, and student crisis response and management. Dr. Anderson is also the Founder and Executive Director of Strong Sister, Silly Sister, Inc., a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit organization committed to empowering college women to embrace ethical choices and become their best selves. Through her LLC, she also is a motivational speaker who engages her audiences to embrace and maximize their full potential. In addition, to serving on the Graduate College External Advisory Board, Dr. Anderson serves on the Carroll Community College's COVID Leadership Response Team, the Board of Directors for The Mid-Atlantic Gigabit Innovation Collaboratory (MAGIC), and other external committees. The committees that she serves work towards implementing practices that incorporate justice, diversity, equity, inclusion as a value.