lit lightbulb in hand

Career Consultations

Set up an appointment to talk with a graduate career advisor to explore career pathways and planning.

hooded figure examining map while overlooking forest

Plan Your Development

Individual Development Plans (IDPs) help grad students to identify and attain scholarly, professional, and personal goals.

speaker at the front of a lecture hall


Explore our menu of professional development sessions and schedule one for your department or student group.

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Academic Job Support

Resources for grad students and postdocs interested in applying for tenure-track or teaching-track academic jobs. 

Beyond the Professoriate Logo

Beyond the Professoriate

Beyond the Professoriate’s Career Training Platform helps graduate students, postdocs, and PhDs successfully transition into academic or nonacademic careers.

Through two programs of study (Academic Careers and Professional Careers), postdocs and doctoral students can explore career options and learn job search strategies to secure employment in academia and beyond. To log in simply visit Beyond Prof’s Career Training Platform, select University of Iowa, and enter your institutional login information

Beyond Graduate School Logo

Beyond Grad School

Beyond Graduate School is a one-of-a-kind, online platform that helps master’s students make the most out of their investment and build their careers. From video lessons on career exploration, to writing application materials, to interviewing and negotiating for that next career step — Beyond Grad School helps master’s students through each stage of their job search.