Picture of 4 students sitting at a table talking

The Office of Graduate Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (Grad-DEI)

The Office of Graduate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Grad-DEI) at Iowa is committed to fostering a welcoming environment for graduate student populations that are historically underserved and underrepresented in higher education.

Grad-DEI is dedicated to supporting the outreach, recruitment, retention, and success of underrepresented graduate students by hosting workshops, providing spaces, and creating opportunities to grow. 

Picture of 2018 SROP Scholars standing in front of the Pappajohn Business Building

Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP)

The Graduate College’s Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) is an award-winning eight-week immersion program designed to provide underrepresented undergraduate students with in-depth research experiences. SROP is a gateway to graduate education in a Big Ten Academic Alliance Initiative at the University of Iowa.

Picture of Pentacrest with tree on right side of picture and sun light peeking out from tree

Report a Concern

The University of Iowa's Office of Institutional Equity is the central receiving agency for any reports regarding discrimination in three major categories:

 - Sexual harassment/misconduct; Title IX, or gender discrimination gender 

 - Discrimination, harassment, or ADA

 - Equal employment, affirmative action, or harassment prevention education

Visit the Division of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion website to learn more about how to file a complaint or receive support for any concerns.

Upcoming Events

Molecular Medicine Interdisciplinary Program Thesis Defense Seminar: Nicholas Scalora promotional image

Molecular Medicine Interdisciplinary Program Thesis Defense Seminar: Nicholas Scalora

Monday, July 15, 2024 8:30am
Medical Education Research Facility
Nicholas Scalora will present about his thesis -  “Elucidating the Mechanisms of EHE Transformation”

REDCap Advanced Training

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 10:00am to 11:00am
This is the fourth step in the REDCap training series. In this training, we will cover advanced features such as: • Importing data from csv • Ways to customize your data entry experience with form display logic • Making your forms more dynamic and personalized with context aware smart variables • Sending automated, conditional email alerts • Ensuring data is high quality by executing data quality rules, creating data missingness codes, and opening data queries • And more This training is a demo and not hands-on. After this training, you will have an advanced understanding of REDCap. Register by clicking the virtual event link above or by going here: https://redcap.link/icts_training
Molecular Medicine Interdisciplinary Program Thesis Defense Seminar: Kara Wuchter promotional image

Molecular Medicine Interdisciplinary Program Thesis Defense Seminar: Kara Wuchter

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 1:00pm
Medical Education Research Facility
Kara Wuchter will present about her thesis -  “The role of DNA demethylation in peripheral CD8 T cell differentiation during acute viral infection” You may also attend via Zoom - https://uiowa.zoom.us/j/97130200613

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