This fellowship program provides an opportunity for advanced Ph.D. students to benefit from protected and supported time to pursue their scholarly research activities. It is intended to facilitate completion of the doctoral degree in a timely manner. Students must have successfully completed their comprehensive examinations prior to submission of an application for this fellowship.
The Graduate College provides a $5,500 summer stipend plus a tuition scholarship for one credit hour and 50 percent of the mandatory fees. Students are responsible for payment of remaining mandatory and course fees.
Please consult the Office of Student Financial Aid regarding how this award may affect financial aid packages.
Typically fellowships cannot be used in combination with any other source of support (e.g., fellowship/scholarship, grant, graduate assistantships, or employment outside the University of Iowa) since the fellowships are meant to provide protected time for the student to advance their studies. Failure to report additional employment can be considered in future applications/nominations/continued Graduate College funding for both the student and the department. For more information or to ask for a possible one-time exception, contact the Graduate College.
Minimum Requirements
For eligibility, students must have successfully completed their comprehensive examinations by February 28, 2025 to submit an application for this fellowship.
Awards will be based on consideration of the student’s plan of study for the award summer, the student’s progress towards the doctoral degree, evaluation of the student’s graduate academic record, and a letter of recommendation from the student’s dissertation advisor. Departments with 10 or more summer fellowship applications will be required to provide input regarding the priority of their student applicants.
Ballard and Seashore Dissertation Fellowship recipients who have taken their semester of funding are not eligible for Graduate College Summer Fellowships.
Priority will be given to students who were employed as teaching assistants in the preceding academic year. Students may apply for a second summer support period; however, priority will be given to those who have not previously received this support.
Eligible students may nominate themselves for this award however the nomination must be submitted by the student's department. Applications must be submitted online at All of the student's application materials must be submitted by the student’s department in order to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the letter of support from the advisor. Students must submit their part of the application materials to their department at least two weeks prior to the Graduate College deadline. Students should check with their department as soon as possible for departmental deadlines as well as to inform them that they intend to apply. Applications submitted by the student (and not someone in the department such as the DGS, DEO or grad coordinator) will be voided and not considered.
Application Process
Since this is a post-comprehensive exam fellowship, a student may apply more than once. Priority will be given to students who have not received the award in the past. The number of fellowships is limited and awards are competitive.
- Applicants must have successfully completed the comprehensive examination by February 28, 2025 to be considered.
- Anyone awarded the fellowship must be registered for a minimum of one credit during the summer they are receiving the fellowship.
- Typically fellowships cannot be used in combination with any other source of support (e.g., fellowship/scholarship, grant, graduate assistantships, or employment outside the University of Iowa) since the fellowships are meant to provide protected time for the student to advance their studies.
Application Requirements
Online applications must include the following items as separate PDF files:
Student materials (single spaced, 12 pt. type, 1" margins)
- Description of how student will benefit from summer fellowship with respect to the completion of their doctoral dissertation (maximum 250 words)
- Transcript (unofficial acceptable)
- A one-page CV of educational and professional experience, honors and awards, and publications.
Letter of support
- One letter from the nominee's advisor/intended dissertation director that includes:
- how long the student has been working on the Ph.D.
- confirmation the student will have successfully completed the comprehensive examination by the nomination deadline.
- the student's qualifications for carrying out the planned summer research activities.
The deadline for submissions for Summer 2025 awards is Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 5pm. Submissions will be accepted in Workflow beginning Monday, February 24, 2025. Please note, you will receive a blank page if you click on the Workflow submission link before the form is officially open.
Additional Information
Please direct any questions to Jamie Frauenholtz (; 319-335-1466) or via email at