Through the generous support of the Impact Asset Corp., the ACT Scholars program will support PhD students after the successful completion of the post-comprehensive examination. 

The program will support PhD students for up to two academic years to prepare a dissertation proposal (if not completed), conduct dissertation research, and/or write the dissertation. Priority will be given to students who will complete their PhD degree before the end of the ACT fellowship. The number of fellowships is limited, and awards are highly competitive.

Preference is given to applicants with a demonstrated history of engagement with individuals of socioeconomically disadvantaged backgrounds and multicultural perspectives, and research areas relevant to ACT’s interests and strategic goals. Applicants from underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

The ACT Scholars Program requires a minimum of a 3.5 GPA in their PhD program.


Areas of Study


Areas of academic interest for the ACT Scholars Program Include, but are not limited to:

  • Statistical Research
  • Education
  • Learning Science
  • Educational Measurement
  • Industrial/Organizational Psychology
  • Business Development
  • Business Analytics
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Security/Corporate Counsel
  • Accounting
  • Information Technology
  • Communication
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning



The ACT Scholars program includes the following funding:

Year 1

  • The ACT Scholars receive a $22,000 non-service academic year fellowship plus a tuition and 50% mandatory fees scholarship.
  • The ACT scholars also receive a summer fellowship of $5,500, and a summer tuition scholarship for one s.h. of tuition plus 50% of the mandatory fees.
  • The ACT Scholars receive access to a $1,500 professional development fund (by application) that supports conference participation and/or dissertation related needs (e.g., travel, transcription costs, supply costs). 

Year 2

  • The ACT Scholars receive a $22,000 non-service academic year fellowship plus a tuition and 50% mandatory fees scholarship.
  • The ACT Scholars receive access to a $1,500 professional development fund (by application) that supports conference participation and/or dissertation related needs (e.g., travel, transcription costs, supply costs). 

Scholars are not permitted to hold additional fellowships or employment without approval of the Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs since the ACT support is to protect time to complete the dissertation.


Minimum Requirements


Requirements for Fellows

  1. ACT Scholars are expected to primarily focus on their dissertations. 
  2. Scholars must complete annual progress reports each spring semester. The first spring report also must address their summer research plan of study. To receive summer support the student must be registered for at least 1 s.h. in the summer term.
  3. Continued support as a Scholar requires remaining in good academic standing with strong evidence of academic progress (according to the standards outlined in the student's departmental graduate student handbook) and submission of all annual progress reports. Fellowship renewal is at the discretion of ACT and UI and is subject to the ACT Scholar satisfying the following condition: continuous satisfactory progress.
  4. Scholars must notify the Graduate College (Associate Dean Shelly Campo) in writing of intention to replace the original degree objective, addition of another degree, and/or change in program continuation.

Requirements for Programs

  1. If time beyond the fellowship is required to complete the dissertation/degree, it is required that the student’s home department or college will provide at least a 25% graduate assistantship for at least one more academic year.
  2. Deferring the award is only possible under unusual circumstances (e.g., health problem, external funding opportunity). 
  3. Programs must notify the Graduate College (Associate Dean Shelly Campo) in writing immediately of intention to replace the original degree objective, addition of another degree, and/or change in program continuation.




The workflow application will include the following questions:

  • Student Name
  • Student Degree Program
  • Date the PhD student started the doctoral program
  • Date the comprehensive exam was passed
  • Date the dissertation topic or dissertation proposal (depending on program requirements) was approved or is expected to be approved
  • Expected date of PhD completion 
  • Dissertation Advisor
  • Director of Graduate Studies
  • Graduate Coordinator
  • Acknowledgement that the program or College agrees to provide at least a 25% graduate assistantship for up to one more academic year if time beyond the ACT Scholarship program is required for degree completion.


Online nominations must include the following attachments as separate PDF files:

Student Materials (PDF format, Single spaced, 12 point font, 1" Margin):

  • An abstract describing the planned dissertation (maximum 75 words). The abstract must be written in lay language (to be understood by the public) and address the purpose of the research, how the research will be carried out, and the value of the research to the student's field. References are not to be included.
  • A one-page CV of educational and professional experience, honors and awards, and publications.
  • A transcript (unofficial is acceptable).
  • A detailed letter of interest explaining why they feel they should be selected for the fellowship.
  • A detailed 500-word essay expressing:
    •  a broad understanding of how they intend to incorporate the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, and/or accessibility in their field of study
    • a demonstrated account of how their research contribute to ACT’s values in higher education – Excellence, Diversity, Leadership, Empowerment, Learning, and Sustainability.

Two Letters of Recommendation

  • One letter from the nominee's dissertation director that includes:
    • how long the student has been working on the Ph.D.
    • confirmation that the student has successfully completed the comprehensive examination by the required deadline.
    • the student's qualifications for carrying out their research.
    • how much work has already been accomplished on the dissertation prospectus and/or dissertation.
    • the value of the research topic to the specific field.
    • the likelihood that the student will complete the degree during the period of the award.
  • One letter of support from the Dean of the candidate’s college, or the Dean’s designee (e.g., Associate Dean for Graduate Education or the Director of Graduate Studies. The letter should include:  
    • A brief endorsement that assesses the student’s academic progress. research potential and the likelihood that the student will complete the degree during the fellowship period. 
    • An agreement that the program or College will provide a 25% or greater graduate assistantship for at least one additional academic year if time beyond the fellowship is required to complete the dissertation.

Possible In-Person Interview

At the discretion of the Selection Committee, ACT Scholar candidates may be invited to participate in an in-person interview with members of the Selection Committee.




Applications must be submitted online at by the department or program (e.g. DGS, Graduate Program Coordinator, DEO), with all materials prepared as PDF documents. Students must submit their part of the application materials to their department at least two weeks prior to the Graduate College deadline. Students should check with their department as soon as possible for departmental deadlines as well as to inform them that they intend to apply. Applications submitted by the student (and not someone in the department such as the DGSDEO or grad coordinator) will be voided and not considered.



Students must be nominated by their departments or programs. The deadline for submissions for awards beginning Fall 2025 is TBD. Please check back in early 2025. 


This fellowship is not renewable. 


Additional Information


Please direct any questions to Associate Dean Shelly Campo (319) 335-2136 or via email at