Dear UI Graduate and Professional Students,

As you know firsthand, university life as we knew it continues to rapidly change. Throughout these transitions, both professionally and personally, the University of Iowa’s graduate and professional students have embraced new ways of conducting research, teaching students, providing service, and continuing virtual outreach activities.
I know I speak for our campus community when I say that our graduate and professional students are truly a vital part of higher education and we are extremely grateful for the impact your work makes across the state and beyond.
Although postponed from an earlier nationwide date, we are now thrilled to recognize our students during our version of National Graduate & Professional Student Appreciation Week on April 20-24. This year, the Graduate College has again joined with the Graduate Student Senate and the Graduate and Professional Student Government to support this week-long celebration.
Ensuring your safety is our top priority during this time. In an effort to remain connected, as we abide by the current social distancing guidelines, we have curated several learning and companionship virtual activities in your honor. I hope you visit our website and social media outlets to learn about the full slate of programming.
Additionally, all faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to come up with their own ideas and events focused on celebrating the important contributions of graduate and professional students. Please feel free to also use appreciation posters the college has created for event announcements.
We understand how disruptive and stressful the COVID-19 pandemic has been for the University of Iowa community, as well as our extended family and friends. It is our hope this week of recognition is an opportunity to bring our community together.
Please know that the Graduate College team cares deeply and we are so appreciative of your hard work. It continues to be a privilege to observe the astonishing ways all of you support one another and the positive difference you’re making in our world.
So, to all of our graduate and professional students, we’re excited to celebrate you and your many accomplishments throughout this week. Please know you are inspiring and a bedrock of this institution. My thanks, again, for all that you do for the University of Iowa.
John Keller, PhD
Associate Provost for Graduate & Professional Education
Dean, UI Graduate College