Mapping Your Grad Experience

Iowa Individual Development Plan

Suggested form for graduate students in the humanities and arts.

Sample Humanities Documents

Student Perspective

Sample Career Guides

Faculty Resources

These sample course syllabi have integrated career preparation and professionalization. 

Collection of humanities career diversity integrations from the American Historical Association.

Book an IDP Workshop

Schedule an IDP workshop for your class, program, or seminar.

For many humanities and arts graduate students, the choice to go back to graduate school included the desire to spend more of their day working on research, performance, writing and teaching. Yet while these activities may be the focus of your graduate school experience, they do not translate directly to a career after graduate school. Rather career preparation in the humanities and arts requires exploration, planning, and building the connections that will help you attain your goal. In addition, you will want to cultivate mentors who will support your goals and career interests. Finally, it is critical for graduate students to prepare for multiple possible career pathways that align with their interest area.

How do you start a plan? How do you complete it in the busy years of graduate school? You can get started using tools such as a yearly Individualized Development Plan (IDP) and making an account on the free website, ImaginePhD.



A career exploration & planning tool for PhD students & postdocs in the humanities and social sciences.

Professional organizations offer a wide variety of career supports for graduate students entering the workforce, from job listings and advice to podcasts and mentor networks. Explore your own professional organization and the career diversity efforts of the Modern Language Association and American Historical Association.

MLA Connected Academics logo

Modern Language Association

Preparing doctoral students of language and literature for a variety of careers.

American Historical Association

American Historical Association

The AHA serves as the main clearinghouse for information about jobs, careers, and employment for the historical discipline.