Schedule a Consultation

We're here to help with the application process. Schedule an appointment with a graduate fellowships advisor to discuss your fellowship application today.

Access Sample Materials

Look through the Grad Success Center's library of past fellowship applications (HawkID and password required).

Fellowships Webinars

Get started learning about humanities fellowship opportunities, key application components, and evaluation criteria by checking out our humanities fellowships webinars. (HawkID and password required)

Letter of Recommendation Resources

Find tips and suggestions for writing or asking for the strongest possible letters of recommendation.


There are number of fellowship opportunities focused on humanities students, including the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship. Opportunities within the humanities tend to be a little bit more discipline specific and tailored that opportunities in some other fields and our humanities fellowship community is focused on connecting students within humanities and humanistic social sciences disciplines with the right opportunities for them. Participants in this community will receive support in finding funding opportunities for which they are eligible, navigating the funding application process, and developing strong application materials.

A Focus on Process

The Humanities Fellowship Community is process oriented. Our focus is on navigating the overall process of finding and applying for fellowships, rather than on the application for a specific fellowship opportunity. The webinars and resources available through this community will help to guide you through the process outlined below, connecting you with the support you need at each stage of the process.

Fellowships process graphic

Get Started

The events for this community run from late spring/early summer through the fall semester, in line with the timeline for most funding opportunities for graduate students. No matter what part of the year it is, it's never too early to get started thinking about or planning your fellowship application. Explore the resources in the community or check out our list of Fellowship-Incentive-Eligible opportunities to start your funding application process.