This page contains information on minimum salaries, returning employees, salary distribution and other forms of monetary compensation.

Section 1. Minimum Salaries

The minimum salary rates for all graduate assistants covered by these standards are established through collective bargaining between COGS and the Iowa Board of Regents. Current minimum salaries may be accessed using the following link: COGS Collective Bargaining Agreement (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025)

  1. 2024-2025. The minimum salary rate for bargaining unit employees during the term of this Agreement will be $21,969 for a fifty percent (50%) academic year appointment and $26,841 for a fifty percent (50%) fiscal year appointment.
  2. Appointments at a different percent time will receive no less than the prorated minimum salary rate for the term of their appointment.
  3. Summer Session Teaching Assistant Appointments. The minimum salary rate for academic year bargaining unit employees during the term of this Agreement will be calculated as a percentage of the salary of an academic year appointment, as stated here: 3-week session (1 course): 2/9 of fifty percent (50%) academic year appointment salary; 6-week and 8-week sessions (1 course): 2/9 of fifty percent (50%) academic year appointment salary; 6-week and 8-week sessions (2 courses): 4/9 of a fifty percent (50%) academic year appointment salary.
  4. Summer Session Teaching Assistant Appointments. Summer session teaching assistants will be paid no less than the minimum salary rate for the previous academic year. Returning bargaining unit employees with academic year appointments who are on a summer appointment will have their base summer salaries calculated on their previous academic year salaries.

Section 2. 2024-2025 Academic and Fiscal Year (Returning Employees)

  1. Eligible Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants (i.e., job classes FT19 and FR19) will receive a minimum salary increase of three percent (3.0%). 
  2. Returning bargaining unit employees who are continuing at a different percent time will receive no less than the prorated value of the salary increase for the term of their appointment.

Section 3. Salary Distribution

The total salary of full semester, full academic year, full fiscal year, full 8-week and full 6-week summer appointments shall be paid in equal monthly installments. The total salary of other appointments shall be paid in monthly installments proportional to the percentage of appointment worked per month.

Section 4. Other Forms of Monetary Compensation

Coming Later Fall 2024. Please contact the Associate Dean of Administrative Affairs in the Graduate College for more information.