Graduate College Review
The Graduate College also undergoes periodic review by the Office of the Provost. In preparation for this review, the College prepares a self-study. The Graduate College Self-Study was submitted to the Provost in February 2024. After an on-campus visit, the final Graduate College Review Committee Report was received July 2024. The Office of the Provost provided a letter as a final statement on the Graduate College Review.
Graduate College Strategic Plan
In conjunction with University of Iowa's update to its strategic plan, the Graduate College is drafting a collegiate strategic plan. A call for nominations to serve on the Graduate College Strategic Plan steering committee was distributed to graduate faculty, staff, and graduate students in September 2019. Here is more information about the duties of the steering committee. The committee was formed, co-chaired by Professor David Cwiertny and Senior Assistant Vice President for Research Ann Ricketts. In October and November 2019 the co-chairs held listening sessions with the Graduate Council, Associate Deans for Graduate Education, Directors of Graduate Studies, Graduate College Deans and Directors, Graduate Student Senate Executive Committee, and Graduate College Unit Directors. The strategic plan of the Graduate College as well as the SWOT analysis was sent to the Office of the Provost in February 2020.
Graduate Education Task Force Report
Doctoral programs at the University of Iowa administered by the Graduate College were reviewed in an update to the 2009-2010 Strategic Task Force report on Graduate and Professional Education. A total of 68 doctoral programs were evaluated. The results of the Doctoral Program Review conducted during the AY 2015-2016 are available. The process was completed and the task force report was submitted to the Provost at the end of the Spring 2016 semester.
Academic Program Planning Approval
In order to create and maintain excellent graduate programs, the Graduate College oversees administration of program changes (i.e., program actions) on behalf of the University of Iowa’s Chief Academic Officer, the Office Provost, and the Iowa Board of Regents. Program action review may include creation, suspension or reopening of admissions, name changes, and termination of degree programs, certificates, or subprograms. Since 2010 the Graduate College reviewed more than 200 program proposals from units across campus to ensure program quality according to the following criteria: workforce need and/or demand, policy compliance, curriculum, staffing levels, fiscal sustainability, relationship to existing programs, and institutional mission.