Welcome Session

10:00 – 11:00 AM

•    Welcome from the Dean & Doctoral Student Panel
•    Welcome from the Dean & Master’s Student Panel

Herky on the Pentacrest

Informational Sessions

Session 1

11:00 – 11:30 AM
Virtual (all options held concurrently)

Session 2

11:40 AM – 12:10 PM
Virtual (all options held concurrently)

  • Mental Health Awareness & Resources
    • Learn about various mental health resources on campus and common mental health concerns and stressors that may arise for graduate students.
  • Top 10 Library Resources and Services for Grad Students
    • Join this session to learn about valuable resources and expert knowledge the University Libraries offer to help you succeed in your graduate studies.
  • Grad Success Center
    • Discover how the Graduate College’s Grad Success team supports your professional development, including grant and fellowship searches, career preparation, leadership, and mentoring. Learn how to make appointments, find workshops, and use subscription resources.

Session 3

12:20 – 12:50 PM
Virtual (all options held concurrently)

  • Using AI Tools in Grad School
    • Learn how generative AI tools can enhance your academic and research endeavors as a graduate student. Understand the rules and ethical concerns around AI tools for graduate students.
  • Cultivating Your Community in Grad School
    • This session will guide you on building a supportive and enriching community during your graduate studies. Learn about networking strategies, campus resources, and opportunities to connect with peers and faculty.
  • Working with Mentors
    • Discover strategies for identifying compatible mentors, establishing clear communication channels, and navigating potential challenges. Learn how to set goals and seek feedback to maximize the benefits of mentorship.
Fall Job and Internship Fair

Benefits, Billing & Payroll: 101

1:00 – 2:30 PM

Gain valuable insights from representatives of the Billing, Benefits, and Payroll offices as they guide you through navigating financial matters during your academic journey. Learn about tuition payment options, available benefits such as healthcare and insurance, and understand the intricacies of payroll procedures to ensure a smooth transition into graduate life.

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