AAUW Fellowship Community

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The American Association of University Women (AAUW) offers multiple fellowships to scholars who identify as women, including the American Dissertation Fellowship and the International Fellowship, which are open to students from a range of fields. University of Iowa graduate students applicants are also eligible for the Fellowship Incentive Program.
- Official Homepage: is external)
- Deadlines: The annual deadlines are November 15 (American Dissertation Fellowship) and November 1 (International Fellowship).
Official AAUW fellowship eligibility is described by AAUW for each fellowship (linked below); read their descriptions carefully for full information. Briefly, eligibility criteria include:
- American Dissertation Fellowship: Scholars who identify as women in any field of study completing a doctoral degree/dissertation by the end of the funded fellowship period (apply at the start of your second-to-last year, funding during last year, graduate within a few months of the funding period’s completion); you must be done with all coursework, have passed all preliminary/comprehensive exams, and have your dissertation research proposal approved by your committee by the application deadline. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents by the application deadline.
- International Fellowship: Scholars who identify as women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents who intend to return to their home countries to pursue a professional career, are proficient in English, and plan full-time academic study during the fellowship year. Applicants can be pursuing a Master’s degree, professional degree (such as an MD), doctoral degree (such as a PhD or EdD), or postdoctoral/post-MFA research; note that the stipend amount varies by degree program.
Key Application Components
American Dissertation Fellowship
- Three recommendation letters, including one from your dissertation advisor
- A C.V. or resume
- Budget
- Responses to several narrative questions
- These responses generally have a 300 word limit except for the project description, which is usually limited to 700 words. Past prompt topics include: career plans and professional goals, autobiography, commitment to women and girls, budget narratives, and other background information
- Graduate transcripts, including any coursework transferred in
- A form from the chair of your department (or a similar official) verifying you have an approved dissertation research proposal, have completed all courses, and completed qualifying examinations
- If your project will be done at an institution other than Iowa, you will also need to include a letter from the host institutions confirming that you can work there.
International Fellowship
- Three letters of recommendation from professors or professional colleagues, at least some of whom (ideally) will be from your home country and can also comment on the country's need for the skills you will acquire through your degree
- A C.V. or resume
- Budget
- Responses to several narrative questions
- The responses to the narrative questions generally have a 300 word limit. Past prompt topics include: career plans, relevance to field/need in your home country, why you chose the current institution, background about your family and importance of education, commitment to women and girls, plans to pay for additional expenses
- Official transcripts
- Supporting documentation of prior degree(s) and current enrollment
- Official TOEFL test scores or waiver request
AAUW Community Events
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