• All graduate assistant employees appointed for a total of twenty-five percent (25%) or more for the entire semester, academic year or fiscal year will be assured a minimum tuition scholarship for the fall or spring semester during which the appointment occurs. The tuition scholarship does not cover the cost of audited classes for graduate assistants registered for fewer than 9 hours. Summer and winter tuition scholarships are not guaranteed. Graduate assistants should check with the Associate Dean for Graduate Education in the appointing college regarding the availability of summer tuition scholarships.
  • The minimum tuition scholarship will be defined in relation to a full-time load of nine (9) semester hours and shall be prorated for a lesser number of credit hours enrolled.
  • All graduate assistant employees appointed at twenty-five percent (25%) or more will receive one hundred percent (100%) tuition scholarship each fall or spring semester based upon the Iowa Board of Regents resident graduate student tuition rate for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS).
  • All graduate assistant employees appointed at twenty-five percent (25%) or more and assessed the College of Education Tuition Supplement will also receive a tuition scholarship for one hundred percent (100%) of the College of Education tuition supplement for fall and spring semesters.
  • All graduate assistant employees appointed at twenty-five percent (25%) or more will receive a fee scholarship for fifty percent (50%) of the designated mandatory fees assessed for fall and spring semesters.
    Designated mandatory fees are those fees assessed as a condition of academic enrollment in each semester to all students and are listed in the university’s tuition and fees tables published by the Registrar’s Office. This information on designated mandatory fees may be accessed using the following link: https://registrar.uiowa.edu/mandatory-fees
  • Employing units may, at their discretion, exceed the minimum level of tuition or fees scholarship provided above.

Graduate assistants may be responsible for repaying tuition if course credits are dropped after the beginning of the semester or the graduate assistantship is terminated before the end of the semester. If graduate assistants have questions about repayment of tuition, they should contact the college in which their graduate assistant appointment/award resides.