This page has information on letters of appointment and appointment postings.

Section 1. Letters of Appointment

  1. All newly appointed employees shall receive a letter of appointment that specifies the appointment title and the appointment percentage.
  2. Reappointed employees shall receive a letter of appointment no later than April 15 for the summer session and fall semester, or prior to November 1 preceding the spring semester, which specifies the appointment percentage. Such letters may be provided earlier if the terms of the appointment are known. For appointments which become available after April 15 or November 1, the employee will be notified in writing as soon as is feasible. If the department has previously committed to provide financial support over a period of time, the commitment shall be honored consistent with any appointment renewal guidelines in effect in the department.
  3. Teaching assistants will be informed of their specific course assignments and course supervisor as soon as determined by the appointing department.
  4. The appointment letters referenced in Section 1 and 2 above shall also include the effective dates, salary, teaching or work schedule, name and contact information of a tentative supervisor, and notification that health insurance is available and has deadlines for enrollment. The letter will also indicate that the University Benefits Office may be contacted for additional information regarding benefits associated with the appointment.

Section 2. Appointment Postings

Departments and programs seeking to employ graduate assistants will post opportunities on the website maintained by the Employer:

No posting is required for appointments of less than twenty-five percent (25%) time, or if the position is intended for a returning graduate assistant or part of a recruitment package, consistent with any departmental guidelines that may exist for reappointment. For appointments required to be posted, each department or program shall post the appointments no later than March 1 for fall semester and summer session appointments, and no later than October 1 for spring semester appointments. Appointments that become available at different times shall be posted as they become known. Appointment postings will remain on the website until the position is filled. Each posting shall include:

  1. The process by which graduate students may apply for teaching and research assistant appointments in the specific department or program.
  2. A brief description of the anticipated duties, probable number of teaching or research appointments, course titles for teaching assignments, percentage of appointment, and qualifications required by the employer for appointment.
  3. The application deadline and the name or location of an office where inquiries or applications may be made.