Yuehong (Cassandra) Tai

Pandemic vs. Vaccine Hesitancy: Trust Matters

Yuehong Cassandra Tai is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Iowa. She is interested in and curious about understanding society from big data. Specifically, her research leverages comparative public opinion data to study public policy outcomes.  In her dissertation, She builds a comprehensive trust dataset and explores how different types of trust influence the public's compliance with vaccinations and tax-paying across countries and over time. She aims to expand the current knowledge of trust in policy outcomes and expects her trust dataset will become an invaluable source for broad cross-national and longitudinal research on the causes and consequences of trust. Outside of school, Cassandra enjoys spending time with her daughter, family, and friends,  reading novels, and playing with Lego.

Yuehong Cassandra Tai
Political Science